8th US History:
- Reading Routine
- Campaign Project:
- Rubric
- Work Day # 1
- Seating Chart
- Reading Routine
- Videos:
- 2nd Continental Congress
- Passing The Declaration of Independence
- The Declaration of Independence 1
- The Declaration of Independence 2
- Read/Discuss: Module 4 Lesson 3 Page 119-123
- Reading Routine
- Videos:
- 2nd Continental Congress
- Passing The Declaration of Independence
- The Declaration of Independence 1
- The Declaration of Independence 2
- Read/Discuss: Module 4 Lesson 3 Page 119-123
- Reading Routine
- Check Planners
- Teacher Directed Instruction:
- Current Events
- Check Planners
- Teacher Directed Instruction:
- Current Events
City Civics:
- Campaign Project:
- Rubric
- Work Day # 1
happy halooween